Hello and Welcome...

to my Coven. It does not have a name as of yet, but I welcome vampires, werewolves, and fey alike. If you are mortal, then you are welcome to join in our gatherings as well. Throughout this blog are records of my journeys as well as those of my followers. If you are mortal you shall learn the truth of your world. Read on and join if you wish. Meeting dates will be shown below the "meebo" chatroom. For more details you may contact me through comments. Thank you.


This is where Gatherings take place.

Create a Meebo Chat Room

Gatherings shall be held at 7:30 PM when dates are given.

  • i suppose that there will not be anymore gatherings, unless someone should request it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

first off... i am crazy! secondly i dont get mad when you guys dont post, i get mad when none of you attend gatherings, even if i give you a whole month's heads up! so dont start yellin' at me, cause i did nothing wrong and i do post, more than u people any... (and i swear if one of you actually go and count them.... the consequences will not be good let me tell you!) bye.



  1. Yes, you do get mad when we don't post so don't even try to deny that. I know you post a lot, but I just recently posted and you still havn't posted anything else. Either way, calm down a bit, because we're not perfect. We can't show up to every gathering and you can't get through life by simply threatening people. You know I'm not afraid of you, and I WILL count the posts just to show you. Guys, don't be afraid of Saph. She's not going to do anything to you.
    By the way, I wasn't yelling at you. I was expressing how I fealt, just like a am now. Now that I've had my say, I'm satisfied. No hostility here.

  2. And here are the results:

    Out of the 41 posts on this blog:

    Me- 13
    Vampiress- 7
    Lexi- 3
    Sapphire- 18

    There we go. Yes you have more. But I didn't count in order to prove you wrong. I was just doing what I said I would do. I know you have the most posts on the blog. But when I accused you of not posting, I was just giving you a reminder to post after mine, and adding that you always get mad at us if we take too long.

    I'm not trying start a conflict. I'm simply saying that you could be less hostile.
