Hello and Welcome...

to my Coven. It does not have a name as of yet, but I welcome vampires, werewolves, and fey alike. If you are mortal, then you are welcome to join in our gatherings as well. Throughout this blog are records of my journeys as well as those of my followers. If you are mortal you shall learn the truth of your world. Read on and join if you wish. Meeting dates will be shown below the "meebo" chatroom. For more details you may contact me through comments. Thank you.


This is where Gatherings take place.

Create a Meebo Chat Room

Gatherings shall be held at 7:30 PM when dates are given.

  • i suppose that there will not be anymore gatherings, unless someone should request it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

don't worry im fine, i've just been really busy. i think i lost those weres somewhere in the great plains. (i think) so... obviously im nowhere near new york and im sorry u guys but im ot going to say where i am incase any of those weres found out about this. AND WAT THE HECK IS UP!?! no comments for the past how many weeks *shakes head* i am so dissapointed with you people! i mean geez can someone say lazy! not even one comment! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhhh i feel better now, sorry about the rant. but u guys do need to star commenting more. it's like geez where are you!?! hmmmm... i other news... there is none! there could be some if people would post and email and comment! honestly i have all the time in the world (literally) and no one can even get on the meebo thing or do anything else on the blog! wow u people ARE lazy!

sorry if i offended anyone, i just got a little frustrated thats all. sooooooooo... i think im done here.



  1. it's too bad you're nowhere near new york, 'cause that's where i am. :( oh, well. Thank God for the internet, then.

  2. *growls* Sapphire, you need to calm down!
    Yes, I agree that we haven't posted but you yourself weren't here because you were busy.
    Did it ever occur to you that we might be busy too? I've been a little tied up with a wolf pack. Half of them want me to join, and half want me dead. Not only that, but I think those vampires that almost killed me before have found out where I am.
    Bottom line is, just because we havn't posted doesn't mean we're lazy! :(

  3. Yeah, I've been busy too. Like, in five weeks I have a singing recording to do, and I also have five weeks to learn a dance for dance class, and I also have a play to learn for school. And we have five weeks to learn it. -_-
    So yeah, sorry I can't get on more. I think also I saw that nobody was posting or anything, and I kind of just waited for some activity to happen. :)
