Hello and Welcome...

to my Coven. It does not have a name as of yet, but I welcome vampires, werewolves, and fey alike. If you are mortal, then you are welcome to join in our gatherings as well. Throughout this blog are records of my journeys as well as those of my followers. If you are mortal you shall learn the truth of your world. Read on and join if you wish. Meeting dates will be shown below the "meebo" chatroom. For more details you may contact me through comments. Thank you.


This is where Gatherings take place.

Create a Meebo Chat Room

Gatherings shall be held at 7:30 PM when dates are given.

  • i suppose that there will not be anymore gatherings, unless someone should request it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

well, i suppose this wasn't a very happy ending at all. i am sorry to anyone i have offened in the past months and i apologize for yelling at you guys. basically i am sorry about anything that i did wrong. lexi? if ur still out there plz contact me. i'd like know if i'm alone. thanx again to everyone who was on this ride. it was fun while it lasted.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


i am sorry to say that i am also leaving the coven because i am done getting yelled at too because i do not have time to get to gatherings on friday nights. I HAVE A LIFE YOU KNOW i agree with farren and her and i will be together and are leaving sapphire like she was with us much anyway. bye guys i have my own blog

Friday, June 26, 2009

hey, i am sorry to report that farren has had enough of trying to track me down and frankly has had enough of me in general so she has decided to leave our coven and i am actually led believe that she met someone who cured her of her lycanthropy so she is now human as well... this was her choice, she told me that she was fed up with me and "threatening" her to post and such. i am sorry, but this is a sort of "club" and i believe that it is important that members attend meetings as much as they can... and i do understand that ppl cant make meetings and that is fine, but give me a heads up at least so that i'm not sitting here waiting on nobody to show. i'm sorry if that was a bit rude to anyone and i am sorry that i have threatened ppl, but that is me and anyone who knows me can tell u that. so i think that is all. when u read this plz comment on whether or not u will be staying in the coven or if u shall be leaving us. that choice is urs alone, but i urge u to not post any degrading posts in retaliation. thank you.

your lovely and understanding spokesperson,


Monday, June 15, 2009

hey... sorry no longer in arizona.... cant tell u where though. those weres started giving chase again so i've been very busy (obviously) so sorry i couldnt make it to the last gathering.... thanx to all those who attended, even if the meeting wasnt very eventful... XP that's really all so...


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is still waiting

Hey everyone, I'm still in Arizona, waiting, and the heat is literally killing me.  
..what else can I say....
Um, the vamps havnt caught up with me yet.
That's all.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

first off... i am crazy! secondly i dont get mad when you guys dont post, i get mad when none of you attend gatherings, even if i give you a whole month's heads up! so dont start yellin' at me, cause i did nothing wrong and i do post, more than u people any... (and i swear if one of you actually go and count them.... the consequences will not be good let me tell you!) bye.


A message to Sapphire.

Ok, Saph.  Hold up.  You yell at us and threaten us like a maniac all the time if we don't post, yet you rarely do anymore!  I know you're busy, but if you're going to flip out on us, then you yourself need to actually post.  Either that or at least be a little more understanding if we don't post.  We get busy too, you know!  >:(

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Finally here

Well, finally (and much to Vampiress's happiness), we arrived in Arizona.
Let me say one thing before I continue- GAWD is Arizona HOT.  :(
Anyway, we found that Sapphire left.
vampiress was NOT happy.  At all.  So we came up with a plan.  She and the others are going to track her down and catch up to her, and I'm staying here in case she comes back, and to hold back anyone following us.

Almost there

I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING IN THIS STUPID CAR WITH ALL THE SUNLIGHT AND THE HEAT AND ARIZONANESS! MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!! We are almost there but i wanna be there now and indoors away from everybody else. please help me!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i am okay

hey guys me and farren are okay on our way to arizona . i am going to have to stay in the car and sleep cause the sun is unbearable for me anymore. it is too sunny but no one wants to go to Alaska or somewhere dark so i have to go down south and be in constant sunlight! oh gawd someone help me. my friends jake and aaron have been a big help on keeping me away from sunlight expecially when they open up the blinds in the hotel rooms at like nine in the moring just to wake me up. hello i go to bed at like 6 in the morning. sunlight is not my thing and i am sick of being in the car for so long. gawd i need a nap now but i will keep you informed when i can. bye guys!

Monday, May 18, 2009

On our way

It’s been A bit crazy lately, so sorry I havn’t posted. Vampiress and I have run into some… problems. The vamps have found us- again, and we’ve been driven out of our previous dwelling. I’m better, now- my worst injury is just a sprained paw- so we’re on the road again, headed towards Arizona. Hopefully along the way, I can get those weres off your tail, Sapphire, but I’m not sure if they’ll trust a lone wolf. You may be able to do the same for me with those vamps, but hopefully they’ll give up and get a life before Vampiress and I get to you. Meanwhile, we’ve been getting closer (seeing as the weather is much warmer), and we’ll probably reach you a day or two,, so we’ll need your exact location.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

just ckecking in so that u people don't worry. i'm still alive. i'm actually in l.a. right now so it's been a bit harder to get blood, but it adds good cover so i'm going to hang here for a bit. so yeah i think that all... so.... bye.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


i am really sorry that my bf is a werewolf. i hope that you can all approve and him and his friend. thank you guys! oh and by the way the post that farren and i did recently was to sapphire she is not with us in canada. sorry everybody she is somewhere else.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Farren + Vampress Updates

Thank you so much for the support Lexi!

So far things are ok. I'm recovering, though I have a nasty limp in my walk, but hopefully, if the time comes when I will have to fight, I'll be able to. Sapphire: Vampress and I are somewhere in Canada. It's a warehouse, home to some therianthropes (basically weres that turn into other animals).(vampress stole the computer) nhey guys i have found out and this may anger you that i am not dating a mortal... i am dating a werewolf that is on the opposite side but he is slowly being changed since he loves me and stuff. umm i am really sorry i didn't know and i brought him into this group. he is not liking farren or sapphire very much, but i am the only vampire that he likes. i am really sorry guys i didn't know but he is cool hanging with us and he has not traded on us sooo yeah.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

thanx for keeping look out lexi. sorry i can't go looking for vampress and farren just yet, i need some solitude for a while, but thanx for the suggest. i have to go now, but i'll try to keep up dated.



Well, I'm sorry I was away for so long. I've been busy.
Anyhow, it's good to know that all are safe. Hi, Vampress. I'm Lexi. xD
Sapphire, wherever you are, you need to locate Farren and Vampress. Seriously. Or Farren and Vampress should locate you.
It feels weird knowing that I'm the only mortal here, that I'm the only one who isn't lost in the woods or wherever you are.
So I guess I'll be the one who stays on the blog, keeps a look out for anyone coming on the blog, and deals with newbies, yeah? :)
Anyways, good luck, guys. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


hi guys i was taken out with farren and my bf jake, who is mortal... i know. he is tasty. umm well i don't have much to say. kinda bored here. i am yawning as we are speaking but i am alive.

Friday, April 3, 2009

don't worry you guys, i'm fine. it took me about two deer to replenish myself, but i'm all good now. if you guys are wondering, i'm somwhere in Arizona. i heard that Farren and Vampress are ok, which is good. i don't have much else to say so...


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Safe but hurt

Here's the current situation: The worst did happen. The rogue weres that were ganging up on Sapphire are now working with the vampire idiots that were after me, so, obviously we have a big problem. Saph and I are separated, too. So, yeah. I have no idea whether she's alive or not, and I'm sure she thinks I'm dead right now, due to our last confrontation with our enemies. The last time she saw me, I was fighting (and losing) in a battle with two of the weres. It was a pretty bloody mess. I got out with Vampress, and can't fight for a while, but am otherwise ok, so we need to figure out how to get Saph back. I honestly have no idea where she is.

Note: I'd tell you my location, but obviously that has to stay a secret if we want to stay alive.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


i feel like such an outcast here guys. man nobody is like blogging after meh and i feel like i am a loser. i don't like being an outcast, plus i am not the only vampire in the group everybody! omg! just like totally keep blogging because right now i have left three in a row. just let the weres get meh now and let this be over with.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

forgot to tell you

i forgot to tell everybody that i am also available on vampirefreaks.com under the name _black_rose_667 you can reach me there or on meez, even youtube at the name hottemogurl576. i am really easy to reach and check out my new blog vampire high. ^_^ thankies. (go anime)


Hi guys i am new to this blog. my name is vampress. soo yeah. umm hmm not alot to say. well uhh yeah. just hope that you can check out my other blog at vampires-vampress.blogspot.com. hope to see you at the next gathering. (even thought i haven't showed for one yet) tee hee. thankies ^,..,^


Although Sapphire's decision may seem a little harsh, and even though you may be busy, she's kind of right. I understand that some of you may not be able to post, but for those of you who have chosen to, it's your responsibility to go by this promise. Meanwhile, Sapphire and I are trapped by those vamps. We have nowhere to go, so we'll have to stand and fight. Plus, Sapphire's still got a problem with those rogue werewolves, and, if we're unlucky, they might team up with the vamps so.... yeah... thanks for the support.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

gee, thanx to everyone. thanx a lot! (except lexi and emily. ;)) U ALL ABANDONED ME! u left me alone at the gathering, so now i'm mad and i'm not going to post the next meeting date.


Friday, March 13, 2009

The current situation. . .

Currently, Sapphire and I are on the move. Our previous attempts at fending those creeps off resulted in some minor injuries, and we can't risk anything worse then that if we want to keep everyone alive, so we're basically running away. I know, sounds cowardly, but trust me, if you were in our situation, you'd do the same. Before we can fight again, we need to gather our strength. This can also help us lead them away from our mortal followers, as in most of you guys. The vamps currently don't know your location, and we want to keep it that way since you're particularily suseptible to their not so nice plans.
remind to thank Farren oh so much for dragging everyone else into her little issue. hello! i have my one problems! yeah, i know that i saved her from the ass hole vamps, but i didnt mean to get dragged into her problem too. hello! that pack is still after me. now im all the way on the west coast! *sigh*

sorry about the slight rant, i was just tired of holding that stuff in.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Houston, we have a problem.
As Farren oh-so-kindly pointed out.
Picture this: a blog, current population: a vampire, a werewolf, a psychic and a few followers - and then weird people started hunting them.
Sound familiar?
Oh yeah - it's us.
What we're going to do about this, I don't know. But we have to do something fast. There must be something, anything, we can do to stop them.
Any ideas?
Well? We're waiting.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

We have a problem.

We have a problem.
A major problem.
You know those freaky vampire goons I told you about before?
Well, they've found out about this, and they don't have very pleasant plans.
for them, a group of immortals and some mortals sounds pretty sweet.  So now you get it.
We're not safe.  
Sapphire and I have been holding them back as much as we can, but it's not easy.  Turns out these jerks have some friends, and they're not being very nice to us, if you know what I mean.  
Don't worry- We'll fight to the death (hopefully their death).  You mortals are going to be ok.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

mini rant

i've noticed something... when i offend ppl i get comments. hmmmmmmmmmmm... i'll have to try that again sometime, unless u ppl start commenting and posting!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

ok. ok! sorry about the last post, i realize now that it was a weeeeee bit harsh. i was mad, and yes i do have a weeeeeeeeeeeee bit of a temper.

...oh and welcome cj!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Just an announcement, don't let Sapphire's last post discourage you. 
Even though we have been slow lately, she needs to calm down.  She sometimes has temper problems (no offense, Saph), and can overreact greatly in very nonimportant situations.
I see we have more followers.
Welcome to you all.  
*scratches self*
Ok then.  
I am currently in a heap of trouble with some scum bag vampires (mentioned in my "How I joined the Coven" post) so I have to go for now.

Friday, February 27, 2009

don't worry im fine, i've just been really busy. i think i lost those weres somewhere in the great plains. (i think) so... obviously im nowhere near new york and im sorry u guys but im ot going to say where i am incase any of those weres found out about this. AND WAT THE HECK IS UP!?! no comments for the past how many weeks *shakes head* i am so dissapointed with you people! i mean geez can someone say lazy! not even one comment! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhhh i feel better now, sorry about the rant. but u guys do need to star commenting more. it's like geez where are you!?! hmmmm... i other news... there is none! there could be some if people would post and email and comment! honestly i have all the time in the world (literally) and no one can even get on the meebo thing or do anything else on the blog! wow u people ARE lazy!

sorry if i offended anyone, i just got a little frustrated thats all. sooooooooo... i think im done here.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hi, I'm Lexi

Hi. I'm Alexiel, Lexi for short. It's not my real name but I use it online. I am 12 and I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes, my face is pale. I have an average if not slim build. I am a human, in case you didn't notice. I'm psychic, though. :)
Some random facts about me: I am random. I love life. I love songwriting and singing; they are my passions. I also love dance and acting. My guitar is the only one I can relate to. I wrote an essay with a broken biro. I have an old broken karaoke machine. I go to three different dance classes a week. My nails are painted hot pink. I am girly. I like to make witty jokes. I have so many favourite colours I can't decide which one is best. I like Hello Kitty. I have a huge scarf collection... and a huge jewellery collection... and a huge hair product collection. Music is my life. My favourite lip gloss is toffee-flavoured. I once made a weird face mask which looked, and smelt, like sludge.
:D That's all there is too me, really. I'm loud and amibitous, and wild. I like to have fun, and laugh until I fall off my chair.
Hehe. =P


we r still being heard (thanx Em and Lexi) the first ever gathering went well. at one point there were 8 people there, about 9 different people all together. so that's about it. i am still alive, although i am still being chased. but thankfully they lost my trail during the gathering, so that proceeded mostly uninterrupted. sorry the next one is so faraway, but that could change.


Friday, February 20, 2009

(Farren) Waiting for the group

I have been told by Sapphire that we have recieved three new followers, Lexi, Emiliano, and Vampress.  I know not exactly what Emiliano and Lexi are yet (Vampress is obviously a vampire), but I will hopefully find out tonight during the gathering.  
Hopefully this group will be able to get along.  We are all different, but all in all theh same.  Immortal.  
Luckily it's not a full moon night.... that would cause some problems on my part.  
Now I must await the others' arrival.

Monday, February 16, 2009


yes, i know i already posted, but i just created an e-mail for this blog and if u have any questions that u would rather not put in comments, then u can send them there. also if u want to become an author and don't want to put ur e-mail address in comments (trust me i understand, cause i am just as paranoid)



the mystery follower has been revealed! it's lexi! she's from another blog that i like to read and she will be posting on here once she gets the e-mail. hmmmm... let's see wat else. ummmmmm... oh there is also another follower so that is good, the more followers i have the more likely i am to get heard! sadly though she does not seem very enthusiastic to become an author, but if she ever changes her mind she just has to say so.


this is interesting...

okay, so obviously i'm not dead yet so... a new possible follower brought something to my attention... i know that on my profile it says that i live in volterra, sorry people, but that is not true. i dwell in new york. so the gatherings will be held at 7:30 eastern standard time. so now that is cleared up i will take the opportunity to tell farren to stop posting such long posts! okay, so of course i'm still being chased, now they've managed to drive me out of nyc and into the mountains... don't ask me how i got a computer trust me you don't want to know. hmmm... anything else? oh, if u are reading this blog (mystery follower mentioned above) please leave a comment or something so that i can add you as an author so that you can post as well if you like, or just so that i know i'm being heard besides people that i've actually met. thank you.


Friday, February 13, 2009

How I joined The Coven

I guess, since the latest hours of my life have been peaceful, for once, I'll make my first post about how I met Sapphire.  
It started on the night after the night of the last full moon; While I was experiencing some after effects from the night before.
Usually, on full moon evenings, not only do us werewolves prowl around in dog-form, but we're a bit.... "weirdish" as well.  The energy of the moon effects us in..... interesting ways......  It varies for each were.  Some of us are overly happy, some of us go a bit nuts, and some can be compared to a drunken mortal.  I, myself am very motivated and electrified.  I usually get myself into trouble with other creatures... usually vampires.  
Night had fallen, and I was out of wolf form.  
I was looking for trouble.
Lucky for me, I soon found it near a small pond in the center of the forest.  
Three male vampires (quite attractive, i might add) were laughing and joking about the latest mortal girl they had sucked the life out of.  I could tell that they were the kind of vampire I don't like- the non-serious, perverted, partying kind that wanted to be changed so that they can do "un-civil", you know, things, to mortals, and not get in trouble for it.  There aren't that many vamps like that, but when I do happen to come across one, I figure that it's time for some real fun- something I rarely get to experience.
Quietly, I made my way into the clearing.  It didn't take long for them to see me from the rock they sat on.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The blonde one said.  
I remained silent, staring at them with my golden eyes.  
"A were." Retorted the one with shaggy brown hair.  "A lone one too.  What's it doing so far from its pack"
There was a whoosh of wind, and the tallest, their "leader" was right behind me.  Unsurprised, I turned to face him and continued to say nothing.
"You know, a stray shouldn't wonder around in these parts. " he sneered.  "She might get into.... trouble....."
Suddenly, the others were around me too, surrounding me.  No problem.  I chuckled and smiled.
"Smooth.  But I'm not that easy.  You must be used to those weak, mortal girls who'll do whatever you say just because your attractive.  Well..."
I winked and zoomed out of their reach, stopped, and finished. "You'll have to catch me first."
Emedietally, I went wolf and ran at top speed through the trees like a pure-breed border collie in an agility course.  
Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm usually not like this.  I don't go around tempting every guy I see, and I'm not a sexy slut.  Like I said, I was still energized from the previous full moon.  I wasn't totally drugged, though.  I had a plan.  It wasn't very organized, and i wasn't sure if it would work, but it was a plan.  A plan that I was making up as I went along.
No doubt they were right behind me.  
No doubt they were gaining.
No doubt I was either going to kill those jerks or end up getting killed myself.  
"Yoo-hoo....." they called from close behind.
Great.... I thought. Great job, Farren.  Got a plan on how to get yourself out of this?
I was getting tired.....
Something hit me hard on my side, and I went flying to the hard ground.
It hurt, but I quickly pulled myself up.   
Another hit, this one harder then the other.
They didn't even give me a chance to catch my breath and figure out where they were.
After numerous more attacks, they stopped, leaving me confused but unhurt on the ground.  I struggled to regain my strength and get up, but the tall one stopped me, and appeared above me with the others.  
"Caught you." he said, smirking.
Great Farren.  I quietly scolded myself, You managed to get yourself killed.
Or at least, that's how it seemed.  
Suddenly, there was a hissing noise, and a black streak zipped over me and into the tall vampire.  I was emedietally forgotten by the others.  I didn't see all that went on, but once they were gone, I met my "rescuer"  A female vampire named Sapphire.  I thanked her for helping, explained to her that I'm not usually one to mess with vampires, and she told me about her Coven. 
Yes, i will admit getting these guys after me was a pretty stupid move.  Yes, I will admit that I'm pretty good at getting myself in trouble.  But if it wasn't for Sapphire, I wouldn't be here right now.  I don't want to sound cheesy, or like a damsel in destress, but it's true.  
But now it's time to get serious.  I'm back to my regular self, and my main objective is to get Sapphire's Coven some more followers.  We will be powerful united, but first, we need more creatures.  Either way, I'm willing to stick to this group.


so there you go people... Farren! yeah i know her intro was kinda long, but she is a really good writer from what i've heard. oh and sorry about the formalness of the welcome message, i don't know why i wrote it like that. so anyway... obivously i'm not dead so that's a plus, but i still have those stray weres chasing me which can get pretty annoying. so that's about all for now... as always if i haven't posted in say over two weeks... expect the worst... (i like using "...")


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meet Farren.....

Let's get this strieght.
My name is Farren Rayne, and I'm a werewolf.
Not like those stupid, hairy things you see in old horror movies.  I'm a real were.  A real were doesn't turn into discusting deformed dog-human against their will.  A real were doesn't  dine on mortal flesh. (Well, not unwillingly, at least).
A real were, in normal form, looks like a regular human being with large wolf ears and a tail and hind paws.  To make up for this non-threatening appearence, we have the ability to use kanine senses and abilities, and we have strength and agility unlike any mortal.  We can also turn into a wolf if a moment that calls for an action like this takes place.  (However we are forced to change into wolves during the full moon.  It's kind of a pain.... but hey, no one said being a monster would be perfect did they?  We spend half our time in kanine form anyway).
Now that you know that, here's a little bit about me.
I have long, curly... sort of wavy black hair.  It's not really a shiny black, but a plain, earthy black that blends in with the forest I roam.  I know not what color my eyes were before I was turned, but as of now, they're gold, flecked with brown.  My skin, like any immortal's is alabaster white, and my clothes(worn black cami, ripped gray skinny jeans, and boots) are the same ones I wore years ago, before I was changed.
Well, a few years.  I'm pretty recent, but I've adjusted to this life quickly; I can barely remember who I was before I was attacked and turned by a rogue werewolf.  That jerk.... he turned me, and left me to fend for myself.  Usually, when a were chooses to change someone, they either let them join their pack, or help them adjust until they can fend for themselves.  Trust me, it's tough learning how to live a brand new life that you knew nothing about before it came to you.  That's why I'm a lone wolf, traveling in the forest on a quest for a pack to join.  Well.... at least that's what I used to be.  Now that I've joined the Coven, I''m hoping that I'll finally have a home and family.  A kin to protect me and fight with me when the time comes.  Friends to come to at the end of a long, restless day.
Maybe, just maybe, this will work out.......

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i'm being heard!

i got my first member to my coven her name is farren. she is a were, so that proves that my coven is open to anyone. that's all for now. oh wait! i had another run with those weres i was talking about last night. well, they spotted me with my dinner (don't worry, i refuse to drain a mortal to the point of death, he will live) and they come waltzing over like they own the town and ask, "watcha got there?" i said, "my dinner." they began to stalk closer to me, so close that i could smell thier pungent scent. "why don't you share?" he actually started to sniff MY catch! "i don't think so." i said as i rose to my feet. and take a guess wat i did next... i decked him. he deserved it anyway. so now i'm in a cave outside of new york (seeing as i couldn't return to my hotel room(i travel a lot)) so if i don't post for a while, like a month, expect the worst.


Monday, February 9, 2009


okay, so now you know that vampires are real, but trust me there are other creatures out there such as... werewolves (weres). okay a few things to know. silver is poisonous for them. if you get bit, you will not actually become one. and no vampires do not hate werewolves. why do i bring this up? because i accidentally saw a big pack of them cornering a fey (yes fairies are real too, but centaurs aren't and dragons have been long extinct.) of course i had to try and save the poor fairy so now i'm on the run from that pack. great *rolls eyes*. so i will hopefully survive for tomorrow night.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sweet Night

ahhhhhhhhhh... night. such a wonderful time of day. now sorry about earlier's hasty post, but come on i almost got fried. anyway i guess i'll tell you a bit about myself... i have ink black hair, violet eyes, and of course pale white skin. soooooooooo... i don't know what else to say. if i think of anything else i will post again to night.


A run down

okay, i don't have much time so i'm going to make this quick. i am a vampire. yes VAMPIRE. fangs, blood, everything. i can't go out in to the sun, which is why i have to make this fast because i'm racing dawn and i don't think i'm goin to win. so anyway let's continue before i get scorched. i was born in the 17th century and have a finely honed sense of hearing and sight (of course). another thing to mention is that im psychic. yes i can see the future. so if you read this and u either want to- OUCH! hole... burned... in... arm! Moving. okay im in the shade now. as i was saying if u want are a vamp or want to be one join my coven. you'll feel better once u know you aren't alone.
